Photography, handmade, gift ideas, creations made with love by my own hands. When it comes to my creations, I believe all it takes is heart.
Timeframe is a part of me. Is what started as a bold and very unexpected dream about two years ago, when I got absorbed into the beauty of the world that is Photography. Some of the moments I like most, turned out to be the ones I wouldn’t even look at twice, as I have noticed while working at Timeframe. But if I would describe the collection, I would say every moment, is a moment I cherish. Being there, spending all that time looking through the lenses in finding that frame, lighting and exposure I see through my eyes for each of them, before hearing that click. I don’t know how else to describe what feels very much like magic.
It was December 2014 when I came across the mug cozy idea. As a coffee drinker myself, one of the things I love most in that moment of dark, steaming, delicious peace, is holding the mug with both of my hands, as i enjoy the solitude, mostly with a good book.
I’ve tried many ideas since, but I remember dearly this first one. It was Christmas time so I found it utterly delightful, compelled almost, to make a Rednosed Rudolf cozy up for my mug.

They come with a new and improved system, created for an easier handling. No more buttons! I’ve replaced the buttons mug-cozies are known for, with a lace that makes it so much easier and enjoyable to use.
It’s been a long journey and I must admit I’ve not given my creative self much time up until now, but this is a part of the mug cozy collection. A part of the story, a part of me.
Making them brings me so much joy you can almost taste it.
A cheerful mess at my workshop today, with skates on the desk, puffed up snowballs and angels wings. Not to mention Christmas lights, snowglobes and all the silly thoughts.
I just love creating and turning ideas into gifts for the loved ones.
All the love,